Upcoming Events
Pitfalls of Prestige: Black Women & Literary Recognition
Laura Vrana, Ph.D., USA Department of English
Archaeology Museum
4 p.m.
Çàɬֱ²¥ Archaeological Society, SW Chapter Presents
Fort Tombecbe: On the Louisiana Frontier
Sarah Coffey, US Army Corps of Engineers
Archaeology Museum
4:30 p.m.
Çàɬֱ²¥ Archaeological Society, SW Chapter Presents
Old Mobile and the Archaeology of French Colonial Louisiane
Gregory Waselkov, Ph.D., USA Anthropology
Archaeology Museum
4 p.m.
Çàɬֱ²¥ Archaeological Society Southwest Chapter Presents
La Trinité and French Colonization in the New World
Wendy Weaver, US Army Corps of Engineers
Archaeology Museum
4:30 p.m.
Celebrating 25 Years of Black Feminist Anthropology
Irma McClaurin, Ph.D., Award Winning Author & Poet, Anthropologist, and founder of the Irma McClaurin Black Feminist Archive at UMass Amherst
Archaeology Museum
4 p.m.
Çàɬֱ²¥ Archaeological Society Southwest Chapter Presents
Overlapping Economies and Cultures: The Trade Economy Between Europeans and Native Americans in the Gulf South Region
Kyle Williams, History Museum of Mobile
Archaeology Museum
4:30 p.m.