IFC Constitution
Interfraternity Council
University of South 青涩直播
April 2023
Section 1. Membership in USA IFC shall include the current list of Fraternal Organizations on the campus of the University of South 青涩直播. As of current, this list includes: Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Alpha Order, Phi Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Chi. Membership into USA IFC shall be extended to any fraternity member organization that follows the membership expansion policy outlined in the USA IFC Bylaws. A member organization, to remain in active status, shall be in good standing financially and judicially with the University of South 青涩直播, USA IFC and their respective inter/national organizations.
Section 2. Membership in the Interfraternity Council requires membership comprised of students who are currently enrolled as full-time University of South 青涩直播 students in good academic standing with the institution.
Section 3. The membership status of member chapters shall be as follows:
- Good Standing: A member chapter shall be deemed to be in Good Standing if the member chapter is not currently operating under Non-Status Sanctions or Status Sanctions, as defined within the IFC Bylaws, and is currently meeting the minimum expectations outlined in this Article.
- Good Standing on Probation: A member chapter shall be deemed to be in Good Standing on Probation if the member chapter is currently operating under Non-Status Sanctions and currently meets the minimum expectations outlined in Article.
- Poor Standing: A member chapter shall be deemed to be in Poor Standing if the member chapter has been placed under Suspension by the IFC or has currently failed to meet the minimum expectations outlined in this Article.
Section 4. Each organization shall have and enforce a policy establishing a minimum annual cumulative GPA requirement for its undergraduate chapters by requiring a cumulative GPA maintained at least a 2.5 GPA each semester. Those organizations failing to do so shall be under academic probation and social probation until it is reported that the organization does meet the grade point average requirement. Each member organization shall strive to attain and maintain a chapter-average GPA at or above the respective campus鈥 All-Men鈥檚 Average.
- Academic Probation shall be defined as follows:
- Chapters on academic probation will be required to log study hours on a weekly basis. Five (5) study hours per member will be required. Study hours will occur in an agreed upon location between the member organization and the USA IFC Advisor.
- Chapters on academic probation that seek to host events of any kind must submit their event plans to the Coordinator of Greek Life, Vice President Judicial, and Two other USA IFC Executive Board members. They will be tasked with approving or rejecting event requests.
Section 5. Membership in the Interfraternity Council is a privilege that may be withdrawn from any fraternity, for just cause, as determined by the Interfraternity Council GBM, and then approved by an affirmative 3/4 vote of the membership of the Interfraternity Council, not to include the fraternity in question.
Section 6. A fraternity, which has been expelled from membership in the Interfraternity Council, may regain full membership no sooner than one full semester after expulsion by an affirmative 3/4 vote of the membership of the Interfraternity Council.
Section 7. A men鈥檚 social fraternity applying for membership in the Interfraternity Council must be of colony or charter status as required by its national organization. Organizations that apply for membership while of colony status shall be admitted joining the council in probationary membership by a 3/4 affirmative vote of the full membership organizations of the Council.
Section 8. Probationary members shall be a non-voting, non-office-holding member group. Probationary members will be assessed dues at 50% of regular member dues. Probationary membership shall continue until a chapter鈥檚 petition for charter is accepted and granted by the national organization.
Section 9. A probationary chapter, after receiving its charter, may receive full membership status by an affirmative 3/4 vote of the Council.
Section 10. Any chapter desiring to join the Interfraternity Council shall meet University requirements for recognition as a student organization and, upon meeting University registration. requirements shall provide to the Council a copy of the current officer roster.
Section 11. The internal voting membership of the Interfraternity Council shall consist of two representatives, one of which is the Council Representative, and one is the Chapter President. Council Representatives shall have a voting voice in all regular meetings.
Section 1. Any fraternity that does not pay dues, assessments, or fines within fourteen (14) days shall be referred to the Interfraternity Council Greek Board of Magistrates for further sanctioning, and the chapter will automatically lose all privileges of a member fraternity, this loss of privileges is to remain in effect until said dues, fines, or assessments are paid.
Section 1. The elected officers of this organization shall be elected the president, vice president of judicial affairs, vice-president of recruitment, vice-president of education, secretary, public relations chairman, and treasurer.
Section 2. The appointed officers of this organization shall be the director of new member education and the director of philanthropy and service.
Section 3. The terms of office, unless otherwise specified, shall be one year.
Section 4. The term of office shall be run from the second regular Council meeting in January until the second regular council meeting in January of the following year.
Section 1. The administrative body of this organization shall be called the Executive Council.
Section 2. The Executive Council shall include the President, Judicial Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President of Recruitment, Vice President of Education, and Public Relations Chairman.
Section 3. The Executive Council shall act as is necessary and proper to execute all legislation enacted by the legislative body and any additional action required to carry out the purpose of the organization.
Section 1. The legislative body of this organization shall be the Council of Fraternities.
Section 2. All legislative power herein granted or implied shall be vested in the Council of Fraternities.
Section 3. The Council of Fraternities shall be a unicameral body composed of two (2) representatives from each member fraternity. One representative shall be a chapter executive officer and the other the Council Representative, elected by the chapter. A representative must be of active (initiated) status and enrolled as a full-time student at the University of South 青涩直播.
Section 4. The President of the Interfraternity Council shall serve as the President of the Council of Fraternities.
Section 5. Each chapter shall be entitled to one vote, issued by the Council Representative.
Section 6. The President of the Interfraternity Council shall vote only in the case of a tie vote in the Council of Fraternities.
Section 1. The Interfraternity Council shall have the power to establish and maintain an Interfraternity Council Greek Board of Magistrates. The operation and organization of this board will be in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Interfraternity Council Judicial Board.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Council of Fraternities shall be held bi-weekly or as designated by the President of the Interfraternity Council.
Section 2. Special Meetings may be called at any time by the President of the Interfraternity Council or at the request of 25% of the member fraternities.
Section 3. Notice of the special meetings shall be given to the Council of Fraternities
representatives of each member fraternity twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
Section 4. Chapters failing to have representation at 5 meetings per academic year or three (3) consecutive meetings shall be referred to the Interfraternity Council GBM for further sanctioning, and the chapter will automatically lose all privileges of a member fraternity, this loss of privileges is to remain in effect until the Fraternity completes all sanctions issued by the Interfraternity Council GBM and receive an affirmative two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of member fraternities following a minimum of one (1) semester of probationary membership.
Section 1. The Interfraternity Council By-Laws shall become effective upon an affirmative 2/3 vote of the Council of Fraternities. The purpose of these Bylaws is to explain, define, and contain in detail the duties of the officers and committees of the Interfraternity Council, to outline in brief the operation of the Interfraternity Council, and to set forth the rules and regulations governing the member fraternities and penalties for infractions.
Section 1. Amendments to this constitution shall be presented to all members of the Council of Fraternities in writing, at a regular meeting and voted upon at the next regular meeting. A 3/4 affirmative vote of the members of the Council of Fraternities shall be required for adoption.
Section 1. Amendments to this constitution shall be presented to all members of the Council of Fraternities in writing, at a regular meeting and voted upon at the next regular meeting. A 3/4 affirmative vote of the members of the Council of Fraternities shall be required for adoption.