
University Policies

â–¼   Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy

Sets forth general guidance for the USA community in identifying and managing Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment and explains the importance for why such processes are necessary. While this policy is of general applicability to all members of the USA community, additional policies and procedures set forth provisions for specific Conflict of Interest or Conflict of Commitment scenarios. Click here to view Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment policy.

â–¼   External Professional Activities
Relationships between USA faculty and external entities can make a positive contribution to the University environment by providing avenues to test and exchange information and ideas. This policy outlines the conditions under which faculty may conduct external consulting and professional activities and describes the requirements for approvals and associated disclosures. Click here to view policy on External Professional Activities.
â–¼   Conflict of Interest in Research
Establishes guidelines to aid in the identification, evaluation and resolution of potential or real Financial Conflict of Interest related to University research activities. This policy references U.S. Public Health Service and National Science Foundation requirements. The policy emphasizes that our primary obligation is to the University and the integrity of the research, and that we adhere in all instances to the highest standards of ethical behavior. Click here to view policy. Click here for Policy; here for Procedures.
â–¼   Institutional Conflict of Interest
Defines appropriate institutional safeguards to sustain an environment where sponsored projects, dedicated gifts, research, scholarship, entrepreneurial endeavors, and technology transfer are carried out responsibly. The goal of this document is to raise awareness of the issues and situations that should be disclosed, reviewed, and managed on behalf of the University by the individuals who serve as its leaders and administrators. Click here to view policy on Institutional Conflict of Interest.
â–¼   Faculty and Staff Authored Textbooks (Faculty Handbook)
The purpose of this policy is to mitigate the potential for conflict of interest when faculty authored textbooks are used by USA students. When using faculty authored textbooks there is an inherent potential conflict with may arise by requiring students to purchase course materials authored by a faculty member and for which a faculty member authored and may stand to gain financially. Click here to view policy on Faculty and Staff Authored Textbooks.
â–¼   Policy on Faculty and Staff Interactions with State, Local, and Federal Officials and Agencies
Sets forth guidelines pertaining to contacts being made on behalf of the University with local, state, and federal government officials and agencies. This policy is designed to ensure compliance with legal requirements, to enhance the effectiveness of governmental contact, and to facilitate coordination and communication within the University. Click here to view policy on Faculty and Staff Interactions with State, Local, and Federal Officials and Agencies.
â–¼   USA Board of Trustee Conflict of Interest Policy
Defines conflict of interest from the perspective of a Trustee’s fiduciary responsibility to assure personal, business, third party and other interests are always subordinate to the welfare and best interests of USA, and that the impact of one’s potential or real conflicts on USA are minimized. Click here to view policy USA Board of Trustee Conflict of Interest.
â–¼   Use of University Research Facilities and Equipment by External Entities

The purpose of this policy is to clarify the circumstances under which External Entities will be allowed to utilize the University’s research facilities in a manner that will enhance the mission of the University without hindering its primary educational and research missions. The University reserves the right to refuse requests for use of its research facilities and equipment and to determine the parameters of such use where allowed.  Click here to view policy on Use of University Research Facilities and Equipment by External Entities.

The supplement documents below support this University policy. In addition to the guidelines, a request form must be completed to initiate use of University facilities or equipment for research by an external entity, 

â–¼   Familial Relationships in Sponsored Research
Members of the USA community conducting sponsored research may not participate in decisions or authorize University funds when the subject involves activities by family members.  The policy is intended to ensure that the University manages actual and perceived conflicts of interest arising from family members who will be working together on a sponsored research project.  (policy currently under development)
â–¼   Purchasing Manual (Procurement Conflicts of Interest)
Establishes purchase activity guidelines from a Conflict of Interest perspective. A conflict of interest exists in a purchasing activity when some factor (financial or personal interest in a supplier) interferes or appears to interfere with or influence a departmental requestor’s ability and duty to be completely impartial and loyal to USA’s interests. Click here to view policy on Procurement Conflicts of Interest.