

A group of students sitting on steps outside of USA housing with books and laptop.
"The highest result of education is tolerance." - Helen Keller

Accommodations for housing at South Çàɬֱ²¥

The Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources provides our students with many accommodations, such as 1st floor rooms, private suites, easy access to elevators, and more. To see if you qualify for such accommodations,

Priority Dates for Housing Accommodation Requests:

Fall semester

  • February 1 for returning/transfer students
  • April 1 for incoming first-time freshmen

Spring semester

  • Oct 1

Summer semester

  • March 1

We will accept requests after the deadline but may be unable to fulfill such requests due to a lack of uncommitted space in student housing.  

The Next Step

After completing your registration with our office, visit Housing for more information about specific lease agreements.
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