
Documentation Requirements

Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations from USA must submit documentation of their disability to the Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources.  Detailed guidelines for documentation of disabilities are located in the Handbook. These guidelines should be provided to the person or agency responsible for conducting the evaluation. Documentation costs are the student's responsibility. 

Generally, the Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources views documentation that is more than three years (one year for psychiatric disabilities) as insufficient but may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Usually, documentation accepted by the Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources is valid as long as the student is continuously enrolled at USA. However, updated documentation may be requested if a student leaves USA and returns, or if a student experiences a significant change in physical, mental, or social situation.


Complete and sign an Authorization for Release of Patient Information and FERPA Form for CEADR. Please submit both forms to CEADR at disabilityservices@southalabama.edu

Confidentiality of Information:

The Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources is the only USA office that has access to documentation and information related to a student's disability. (Documentation is maintained securely and disability diagnoses are kept confidential.) In addition, confidentiality is maintained in all verbal conservations between the Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources staff members and registered students and faculty/staff.  Generally, no information is released to anyone outside of the Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources without the student's informed and written consent. The Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources may release information to USA officials if there is a direct threat to the health or safety of USA students, faculty, and/or staff. Documentation is destroyed seven years after the last semester students are enrolled at USA.