
Faculty Services

The Biomedical Library offers many services for the faculty and staff of the colleges of medicine, nursing, and allied health, along with the health system.

â–¼   Schedule a library instruction session for your course
Contact your liaison librarian, or contact Justin Robertson (Head of Reference): jcrobert@southalabama.edu 
â–¼   Suggest materials or resources for the library collection
You can request that materials be evaluated for addition to the collection by contacting your department's liaison librarian or contacting Gail Kouame at gmkouame@southalabama.edu
â–¼   Reserve a space in the library
Call the circulation desk at (251) 460-7043 after choosing from the list of available meeting spaces.
â–¼   Request a literature search
Contact your liaison librarian, or contact reference at medlib@southalabama.edu or (251) 460-7043.
â–¼   Find your liaison librarian
Liaisons and links to their contact information are listed by college and department on the liaison page and by name in the directory.
â–¼   Use the library's test bank resources
The library has many test bank and case study resources both in print and online. The electronic resources are listed on our Resources Page by clicking the "Cases" link in the tags sidebar on the right. Print case files are available in the reserves section behind the Circulation Desk at the library.
â–¼   Find information about the NIH Public Access Mandate
More information about the mandate and compliance can be found on the College of Medicine Grants site as well as at the which even offers how-to videos.
â–¼   Get access to REDCap Research Electronic Data Capture at USA
Full information about signing up for REDCap is available on the REDCap @ USA webpage. At the Biomedical Library, REDCap is being supported by Clista Clanton [cclanton@southalabama.edu / (251) 471-7855].