
Graduate Medical Education Faculty

Faculty development in the principles, methods and practices of medical education and curriculum development.

Note: From within the University system, direct links to USA Biomedical electronic resources within this site are supported by Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer 10 or higher. Otherwise, you may access ClinicalKey via the USA Biomedical Library using your USAonline user ID and password for login. When accessing some links from outside of the University system, you may need to use the USA Biomedical Library's ClinicalKey and journal search engine using your USAonline user ID and password for login.


鈻   USA Resources

Biomedical Library

The USA Biomedical Library provides access to the library's book and journal collection and serves as a centralized entry point into the library's numerous research tools and databases including PubMed, Access Medicine, ACP Pier, Cochrane, Clinical Key, Ovid's Primal Pictures, and other authoritative and full text tools only available through the library's paid subscriptions. This link also provides easy access to reference librarians via email, chat, text, or telephone. Most of the library's resources can be accessed remotely with your faculty log in via the proxy server.

Career Services

Offerings include interview skills, mock interviews, CV review/critique, career services webinars and more.

Consultation and Outreach

The Counseling and Testing Services (CTS) staff is available to provide educational presentations designed to improve the academic performance, psychological health and professionalism. Some topics that can be addressed "Alcohol and Drug Use", "Communication Skills", "Conflict Resolution", "Diversity Issues", "Stress Management" and "Suicide Awareness and Prevention."

Educational Technologies and Services

The Department of Educational Technologies and Services (251-460-6317) coordinates quality improvement of education by providing support and development to College of Medicine faculty. Educational support includes designing and developing instructional materials and methodologies, keeping up-to-date with innovative technological advancements, and developing assessment strategies.

Innovation in Learning Center

The Innovation in Learning Center provides professional development workshops for all USA faculty members and promotes coordinated professional development initiatives and integrated instructional technologies for the traditional classroom, blended courses, and fully online learning environments. Workshops can be provided for groups at University Hospital, Children's & Women's Hospital, and the Mitchell Cancer Institute. Contact Joyce Guest to arrange an onsite workshop.

Office of Continuing Medical Education

The Office of Continuing Medical Education provides numerous and varying resources for educational and faculty development purposes.

Office of Faculty and Post-Doctoral Affairs

The Office of Faculty and Postdoctoral Affairs provides support for all issues related to College of Medicine faculty and postdoctoral fellows. The Office provides support for faculty appointments and promotions, as well as new faculty orientations and faculty development programs. The Office provides support for the Faculty Committee on Appointments, Promotions and Evaluations (FCAPE), and maintains current resources and policies for the appointments and promotions processes.

鈻   Online Resources

ACGME Outcome Project: Advancing Education

Interpersonal and Communication Skills [PDF]

To provide educational resources for program directors and other medical educators to teach and assess Interpersonal and Communication Skills.

Practice-Based Learning & Improvement [PDF]

To provide educational resources for program directors and other medical educators to teach or foster and access practice-based Learning & Improvement.

Medical Professionalism [PDF]

To provide educational resources for program directors and other medical educators to aid teaching and assessing professionalism.

Coursera is an education platform, partnering with universities and organizations worldwide and offering courses online for free. Courses cover an array of educational subjects including health education, informational & educational technologies, and professional development for educators.

Faculty Vitae is a Web-based publication of the AAMC's Faculty Development and Leadership (FD&L) section. Its features bring resources for professional development to the desktops of faculty in medical schools and teaching hospitals.

A resource from the Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed works related to medical education; resources for educational scholarship. 

MERLOT is a free and open peer reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services contributed and used by an international education community.

The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world.

Additional Web Resources


鈻   Teaching and Curriculum Development

Faculty Development at USA

Innovation in Learning Center

The Innovation in Learning Center provides professional development workshops for all USA faculty members and promotes coordinated professional development initiatives and integrated instructional technologies for the traditional classroom, blended courses, and fully online learning environments. Workshops can be provided for groups at University Hospital, Children's & Women's Hospital, and the Mitchell Cancer Institute. Contact Joyce Guest to arrange an onsite workshop.

Online Faculty Development

Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take.

Course Description: "This course provides those involved in educating members of the health professions an asynchronous, interdisciplinary, and interactive way to obtain, expand, and improve their teaching skills. These skills can then be applied within their own professional context, with a variety of learners, extending across many stages.鈥

The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world.

Course Description: "Concept mapping is a research-supported strategy for improving online learning effectiveness. Concept mapping is not only a learning tool, but also can be used for teaching and assessment. In this workshop you will explore some of the many ways you can use concept maps in various phases of the teaching and learning cycle."

Course Description: "Flipped learning is a model of teaching in which the more passive learning activities such as watching lectures, happen outside of the classroom, saving more in-person class time for interactive activities. Flipping the classroom is currently one of the most popular trends in education at all levels! In this workshop, you will explore different flipped design models and the educational benefits of the flipped design. You will gain a deeper understanding of how to implement this strategy into your own teaching."

Course Description: "While online faculty value the flexibility of online teaching, the reality of the 24/7 classroom can be daunting in terms of faculty workload and faculty burnout. In this workshop, you will explore research-based strategies to assist faculty in managing their time more effectively and reducing the risk of burnout. You will review practical workload management tips and tools for both new and veteran faculty. Finally, you will develop a workload management plan that will help improve the online faculty experience.鈥

Course Description: Online and blended education programs create additional opportunities, challenges and roles for Student Services. How are your students doing in their online and blended courses? What challenges are they facing? As campuses reach out to students through new web interfaces, technologies, and portals, such services also improve access for face-to-face students. This workshop addresses these new roles and provides best practices, sustainable solutions, and transformations made possible through technology for student advising and support.鈥

USA Resources


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbooks:

Molly Cooke, David M. Irby, and Bridget C. O'Brien, 2010
Full download available through the USA Biomedical Library via Ebrary Academic Complete

Emerging from a study of physician education by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Educating Physicians calls for a major overhaul of the present approach to preparing doctors for their careers. The text addresses key issues for the future of the field and takes a comprehensive look at the most pressing concerns in physician education today. Like the Carnegie Foundation's revolutionizing Flexner Report of 1910, Educating Physicians is destined to change the way administrators and faculty in medical schools and programs prepare their physicians for the future.

Mark Quirk, 2006
Full download available through the USA Biomedical Library via Ebrary Academic Complete

From Mark Quirk, recipient of the 2006 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine's Excellence in Education award, comes the latest on improving medical education. In this volume, Quirk explores metacognition, the idea that we can think about the way we or other people think, and thus gain a better understanding of ourselves, our own cognitive processes, and the patients we seek to help.

Tim Swanwick, 2010
Full download available through the USA Biomedical Library via Ebrary Academic Complete

In this new and extensively updated second edition, the Association for the Study of Medical Education presents a complete and authoritative guide to medical education. Written by leading experts in the field, Understanding Medical Education provides a comprehensive resource of the theoretical and academic bases to modern medical education practice. This authoritative and accessible reference is designed to meet the needs of all those working in medical education from undergraduate education through postgraduate training to continuing professional development. As well as providing practical guidance for clinicians, teachers and researchers, Understanding Medical Education will prove an invaluable resource to those studying at certificate, diploma or masters level and a first 'port-of-call' for anyone engaged in medical education as an academic discipline.

Selected Chapters

The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbook chapters:

Palliative Medicine, First Edition

Walsh, Declan, MD, 2009


Miller's Anesthesia, Eighth Edition

Miller, Ronald D., MD, MS, 2015



The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following journals:

Official journal of the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions, the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education, and the Council on CME, the Association for Hospital Medical Education.

Online Resources

A resource from the Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed works related to medical education and resources for educational scholarship.

"Residents educate daily, but feel unprepared to do so. Resident-as-teacher courses have been widely published about, but can be challenging to implement due to lack of protected time for residents and limited funding to compensate faculty and provide resources. Many of the available resources online are courses that take place over several days or weeks. The Resident-as-Teacher Workshop described here can be easily implemented using the instructor鈥檚 guide and the attached resources, particularly by a faculty member with an engaging teaching style who is interested in medical education. It can be delivered in smaller portions or as one extended session, making it easy to deliver in a variety of settings, from noon conference to academic half day."

鈻   Supervision, Assessment and Mentoring

Faculty Development at USA

Innovation in Learning Center

The Innovation in Learning Center provides professional development workshops for all USA faculty members and promotes coordinated professional development initiatives and integrated instructional technologies for the traditional classroom, blended courses, and fully online learning environments. Workshops can be provided for groups at University Hospital, Children's & Women's Hospital, and the Mitchell Cancer Institute. Contact Joyce Guest to arrange an onsite workshop.

Online Faculty Development

Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take.

Course Description: "Performance and Assessment in the Virtual Classroom explores the myths and challenges of assessing performance virtually. Topics include effective measures of assessing students, compliance issues, feedback models for students, online grade book functions, and data analysis."

Course Description: "The purpose of this course is to improve feedback, clinical teaching, and assessment of clinical skills."

The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world.

Course Description: "An important component of successful online teaching is developing efficient assessment strategies and methods. In this workshop you will explore formative and summative assessment techniques used in online education and develop assessment strategies suitable for your online course. You will create a plan to help align learning objectives and activities with assessments. You will explore the differences between summative and formative assessments, and discuss strategies for implementing them. Integrating multiple forms of assessment allows students more opportunities to evaluate their performance."

Course Description: "Competency based education measures student achievement of stated outcomes, rather than time spent on specific learning activities. In this workshop, you will explore the elements of competency based education to better understand how you can structure self-paced, learner focused, outcomes driven learning environments which measure student achievement through the collection of learning artifacts. You will develop an understanding of how to define competencies and how to set up ways for students to then demonstrate their ability to meet those competencies."

Course Description: "According to research, feedback on learning is a key factor for improving the learning outcomes and student satisfaction. While giving effective feedback can help drive your students towards success in your course and help them to better understand the material, it can also take a lot of time. In this workshop, you will identify different feedback strategies along with effective methods for providing feedback to your students efficiently. Many of the practices explored in this workshop can also help increase student engagement in the class and help with faculty satisfaction and workload management."

Course Description: "While online faculty value the flexibility of online teaching, the reality of the 24/7 classroom can be daunting in terms of faculty workload and faculty burnout. In this workshop, you will explore research-based strategies to assist faculty in managing their time more effectively and reducing the risk of burnout. You will review practical workload management tips and tools for both new and veteran faculty. Finally, you will develop a workload management plan that will help improve the online faculty experience."

USA Resources


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbooks:

Dannelle D. Stevens and Antonia Levi, 2005

This new edition retains the appeal, clarity and practicality that made the first so successful, and continues to provide a fundamental introduction to the principles and purposes of rubrics, with guidance on how to construct them, use them to align course content to learning outcomes, and apply them in a wide variety of courses, and to all forms of assignment. Reflecting developments since publication of the first edition, the authors have extended coverage to include:

  • Expanded discussion on use of rubrics for grading
  • Grading on-line with rubrics
  • Wider coverage of rubric types (e.g., holistic, rating scales)
  • Rubric construction in student affairs
  • Pros and cons of working with "ready-made" rubrics
  • Using rubrics to improve your teaching, and for SoTL
  • Use of rubrics in program assessment (case study)
  • Application of rubrics in the arts, for study abroad, service learning and students鈥 independent learning
  • Up-dated literature review

Zubair Amin, 2006

This practical guide provides a simple, useful reference to commonly raised questions about medical student assessment. The first part of the book provides succinct information on the general aspects of assessment such as purpose and principles of assessment; technical terms such as validity, reliability, and utility of assessment instruments; and how to choose assessment instruments for a given purpose. Individual assessment instruments are treated in the second part of the guide. The authors focus on about 20 selected assessment instruments currently in use or promising new instruments that are likely to get increased acceptance in future. For each instrument a general description is given, followed by discussion on its uses, limitations, psychometric characteristics, and recommendations for medical teachers. The reference section contains highly selective and well-researched resources, annotated and classified according to their usefulness. Many of these resources are available free on the Internet.


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following chapters in textbooks:

Tim Swanwick, 2010
Full download available through the USA Biomedical Library via Ebrary Academic Complete

In this new and extensively updated second edition, the Association for the Study of Medical Education presents a complete and authoritative guide to medical education. Written by leading experts in the field, Understanding Medical Education provides a comprehensive resource of the theoretical and academic bases to modern medical education practice. This authoritative and accessible reference is designed to meet the needs of all those working in medical education from undergraduate education through postgraduate training to continuing professional development. As well as providing practical guidance for clinicians, teachers and researchers, Understanding Medical Education will prove an invaluable resource to those studying at certificate, diploma or masters level and a first 'port-of-call' for anyone engaged in medical education as an academic discipline.

7: Portfolios, personal development and reflective practice
8: Supervision, mentoring and coaching
9: Teaching and leading small groups
12: Simulation in medical education
14: How to design a useful test: the principles of assessment
15: Written examinations
16: Workplace assessment
17: Structured assessments of clinical competence
18: Formative assessment
23: Evaluation: improving practice, influencing policy
24: Selection for medical education and training
25: Managing remediation


Official journal of the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions, the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education, and the Council on CME, the Association for Hospital Medical Education.

Journal Articles

Clinical Competency Committees and Assessment: Changing the Conversation in GME

Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2015

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination

Association for Surgical Education, 2001

Techniques for Measuring Clinical Competence - Objective Structured Clinical Examinations

Medical Education 2004; 38: 199鈥203

The Essential Elements of Team-Based Learning

Adapted from "Team-Based Learning: Small Group Learning鈥檚 Next Big Step", Chapter 1 of New Directions in Teaching and Learning, pp. 7-27, by Michaelsen, L., Sweet, M. & Parmalee, D. (2009)

Twelve tips for doing effective Team-Based Learning

Medical Teacher 2010, 32(2): 118-122.

Online Resources

A resource from the Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed works related to medical education and resources for educational scholarship.

"The standardized patient playing Gina Babkins portrays herself as a 75-year-old woman who presents to the outpatient office with a complaint of lightheadedness. She asked to be seen prior to her scheduled appointment because she is concerned about her lightheadedness. The examinee's task is to obtain a focused history, perform a focused physical examination and counsel the patient regarding her situation. Following the encounter, the examinee documents the encounter in a SOAP-style patient note."

鈻   Developing Competencies and Objectives

Developing the Six Areas of Competency

The ACGME has established the requirement that all accredited GME programs develop learning objectives for each of six competency areas:

  • Patient Care
  • Medical Knowledge
  • Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • Professionalism
  • Systems-Based Practice

Known as the Outcome Project, the long-term goal is to increase the emphasis on educational outcome assessment as part of the accreditation process. Expectations for increased emphasis on outcome assessment are reflected in changes to Program and Institutional Requirements that require programs to:

  • Identify learning objectives related to the ACGME's general competencies
  • Use increasingly more dependable (i.e. objective) methods of assessing residents' attainment of these competency-based objectives
  • Use outcome data to facilitate continuous improvement of both resident and residency program performance

With changes in the accreditation system, the ACGME established the Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Project with six focus areas:

  • Patient Safety includes opportunities for residents to report errors, unsafe conditions, and near misses, as well as participate in inter-professional teams to promote and enhance safe care.
  • Quality Improvement includes how sponsoring institutions engage residents in the use of data to improve systems of care, reduce healthcare disparities, and improve patient outcomes.
  • Transitions in Care includes how sponsoring institutions demonstrate effective standardization and oversight of transitions of care.
  • Supervision includes how sponsoring institutions maintain and oversee policies of supervision concordant with ACGME requirements in an environment at both the institutional and program level that assures the absence of retribution.
  • Duty Hours Oversight, Fatigue Management and Mitigation includes how sponsoring institutions:

1. Demonstrate effective, meaningful oversight of duty hours across all programs institution-wide,
2. Design systems and provide settings facilitating fatigue management and mitigation, and
3. Provide effective education of faculty members and residents in sleep, fatigue recognition, and fatigue mitigation.

  • Professionalism includes how sponsoring institutions educate for professionalism, monitor behavior on the part of residents and faculty and respond to issues concerning:

1. Accurate reporting of program information
2. Integrity in fulfilling educational and professional responsibilities
3. Veracity in scholarly pursuits.

Please refer to the ACGME website for the most recent updates. The following links provide additional information and tools to assist programs in creating a portfolio of objectives and evaluation methods for each of the six competencies.

Online Resources

ACGME Web Resources

鈻   Community Outreach

Online Faculty Development

Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take.

Course Description: "In the United States, two-thirds of the population read at an eight-grade level or below. When it comes to health information, most Americans have the ability to read and write at the fifth-grade level. This inter-professional course aims to give health professionals the tools needed to improve upon their health literacy and communication skills."

Course Description: "Volunteer community health workers (CHWs) are a major strategy for increasing access to and coverage of basic health interventions. Our village health worker training course reviews the process of training and continuing education of CHWs as an important component of involving communities in their own health service delivery. Participants will be guided through the steps of planning training and continuing education activities for village volunteers."

Online Learning Consortium

The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world.

Managing Faculty Workload

Course Description: "While online faculty value the flexibility of online teaching, the reality of the 24/7 classroom can be daunting in terms of faculty workload and faculty burnout. In this workshop, you will explore research-based strategies to assist faculty in managing their time more effectively and reducing the risk of burnout. You will review practical workload management tips and tools for both new and veteran faculty. Finally, you will develop a workload management plan that will help improve the online faculty experience."

Resources at USA


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbooks:

Judy Lewis, Kris Hermanns, and Sarena D. Seifer, 2000

Eighth in AAHE鈥檚 Service-Learning in the Disciplines Series, this volume shows how service-learning is not only a strategy for preparing community-responsive and competent health physicians, but also for fostering citizenship and changing the relationship between communities and medical schools. This very useful book provides readers with a valuable source of information and inspiration to develop and expand service-learning across the continuum of medical education.


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbook chapters:

Thea James, Edward Bernstein and Judith Bernstein
Rosen's Emergency Medicine, e23-e32

Rely on Rosen's Emergency Medicine for the latest answers on every facet of emergency medicine practice. For decades, this medical reference book has set the standard in emergency medicine, offering unparalleled comprehensiveness, clarity, and authority - to help you put the latest and best knowledge to work for your patients in the ER.


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following journals:

Official journal of the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions, the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education, and the Council on CME, the Association for Hospital Medical Education.

Online Resources

A resource from the Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed works related to medical education and resources for educational scholarship.

Lessons encourage interaction between students and mentors regarding important topics, including nutrition, communication, organization skills, and conflict management.

MERLOT is a free, open, peer-reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services, contributed and used by an international education community.

鈻   Human Dynamics

Faculty Development at USA

Innovation in Learning

The Innovation in Learning Center provides professional development workshops for all USA faculty members and promotes coordinated professional development initiatives and integrated instructional technologies for the traditional classroom, blended courses, and fully online learning environments. Workshops can be provided for groups at University Hospital, Children's & Women's Hospital, and the Mitchell Cancer Institute. Contact Joyce Guest to arrange an onsite workshop. 

Online Faculty Development

Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take.

Course Description: "Learn about the ethical issues that arise when conducting human subjects research, as well as the history that grounds policies and debates in this area of biomedicine."

Course Description: "In this course, we explore what it means to be a leader in the context of healthcare. How is it different to leadership in other industries? What are the particular skills and attitudes leaders need to have to navigate the complexity of healthcare leadership?"

Course Description: "Is humanitarianism an effective, justifiable and sustainable response to ill-health, inequality, injustice and war?"

Course Description: "In the United States, two-thirds of the population read at an eight-grade level or below. When it comes to health information, most Americans have the ability to read and write at the fifth-grade level. This inter-professional course aims to give health professionals the tools needed to improve upon their health literacy and communication skills."

(AAMC Program)

Diversity Policy and Programs is pleased to bring you a set of online, on-demand video resources on a range of diversity and inclusion topics. The Diversity 3.0 Learning Series includes interviews with thought leaders and experts, faculty career development webinars, guidance on institutional strategic planning and culture and climate assessment, and presentations on innovative programs at AAMC member institutions.

Resources at USA


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbooks:

Jonamay Lambert, Selma Myers, and George Simons, 2009

The text contains 50 training activities and self-development exercises to prepare and develop better understanding of cross-cultural communication. Complied by a team of experts from around the world, these ready-to-use activities have been tested and refined for a wide variety of international businesses and organizations. The activities prepare people in the United States to work with foreign nationals and prepare foreign nationals to work in the United States.

Scott Reeves, Simon Lewin, and Sherry Espin, June 2010

This book is part of a series entitled Promoting Partnership for Health published in association with the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). The series explores partnership for health from policy, practice and educational perspectives. While strongly advocating the imperative driving collaboration in healthcare, it adopts a pragmatic approach. Far from accepting established ideas and approaches, the series alerts readers to the pitfalls and ways to avoid them.

Sherry Makely, PhD, RT, 2009

An engaging, conversational text that promotes understanding of common professional standards that all healthcare workers need to provide excellent care and service. The text brings together complete coverage of crucial 鈥渟oft skills鈥, such as work ethic, character, relationships, teamwork, communication and etiquette, honesty, cultural competence, personal image, personal health and wellness, and more. It gives the reader a clearer understanding of where they fit in the changing healthcare system, why patient satisfaction is more important than ever, how to behave with the professionalism that both employers and patients demand, and how to move forward in their own careers more rapidly.

Christine Jorm, 2013

Reconstructing Medical Practice examines how doctors see healthcare and their place in it, why they remain in medicine and why they are limited in their ability to lead change in the current system. Doctors are beset by doubts and feel rejected by systems where they should be leaders - some see their role as 'flog[ging] a derelict system to get the last breath of workability out ...for their patients'. Reconstructing Medical Practice concludes that regulation, despite its recent proliferation, is a clumsy and limited approach to ensuring good care. It presents original and much-needed ideas for ways to rebuild the critical relationship between doctors and the system. By better valuing communicative interactions and workplace relationships, safe and satisfying medical practice can be reconstructed.


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbook chapters: 

Jada Bussey-Jones MD, Inginia Genao MD and William T. Branch MD, 2007
Comprehensive Hospital Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach, Chapter 3, 15-19

In the exciting and growing field of hospital medicine, you're as concerned with the efficient management of your unit as you are the effective care of your patients. This multimedia Expert Consult title is your ideal new clinical reference on both counts...in print and online! Nationally recognized experts equip you with practical, actionable guidance on all of the challenges you face every day-making it easier for you to provide optimal care for every patient.

Marion Danis, Emily Bellavance and Henry Silverman, 2014
Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult, 71, 1251-1270. e4

Take the best possible care of adult critical care patients with Critical Care Medicine: Principles of Diagnosis and Management in the Adult! Editors Dr. Joseph Parrillo and Dr. Phillip Dellinger, two of the most respected names in critical care medicine, combine their extensive knowledge with that of hundreds of top authorities in the field to bring you expert, state-of-the-art answers to any clinical question you may face in the intensive care unit.

Thea James, Edward Bernstein and Judith Bernstein, 2014
Rosen's Emergency Medicine, e23-e32

Rely on Rosen's Emergency Medicine for the latest answers on every facet of emergency medicine practice. For decades, this medical reference book has set the standard in emergency medicine, offering unparalleled comprehensiveness, clarity, and authority - to help you put the latest and best knowledge to work for your patients in the ER.


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following journals:

Patient Education and Counseling is an interdisciplinary, international journal for patient education and health promotion researchers, managers and clinicians.

Online Resources

A resource from the Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed works related to medical education and resources for educational scholarship.

This packet provides comprehensive guidelines for conducting a multi-stage faculty development program for the implementation of an ePortfolio. These sessions provide faculty with the opportunity to develop their assessment skills and experience hands-on training for providing quality feedback through mentored reflection.

This workshop is designed to last approximately 1.5 hours and will assist faculty in facilitating discussions on race, gender, sexual orientation and socioeconomic diversity. Upon viewing four different scenes from the Academy Award-winning movie "Crash", participants will engage in active discussion sessions in which they reflect on their impressions of the actors, situations and themes of each scene. Participants will be asked to discuss the contentious and emotional issues that had created the situation in each scene as the basis for exploration of their own personal and professional experiences and identities.

MERLOT is a free, open, peer-reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services, contributed and used by an international education community.

Published on YouTube on Apr 26, 2013
Event Date: 4-17-13
Arno K. Kumagai, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Medical Education
University of Michigan Medical School

-To compare the different ways of knowing necessary in the education of physicians; in particular, to explore a unified "hedgehoggian" approach to teaching and learning in the areas of medicine of social or societal significance
-To critically assess the concept of competencies when applied to socially relevant areas of medicine
-To discuss the use of narratives, dialogues, reflective writing and creative art in teaching, learning and assessment in these area

鈻   Quality Improvement

Faculty Development at USA

Innovation in Learning Center

The Innovation in Learning Center provides professional development workshops for all USA faculty members and promotes coordinated professional development initiatives and integrated instructional technologies for the traditional classroom, blended courses, and fully online learning environments. Workshops can be provided for groups at University Hospital, Children's & Women's Hospital, and the Mitchell Cancer Institute. Contact Joyce Guest to arrange an onsite workshop. Selected workshops are listed below.

Quality Matters

Want to learn how to make your online course the best it can possibly be? This workshop introduces the Quality Matters Rubric that you can use in your own courses. You can also learn more about how to become a QM peer reviewer.

Online Faculty Development

The institute for Healthcare Improvement's Open School provides online modules on the topics of quality improvement, patient safety, and graduate medical education.

The USA Health System has adopted the framework of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) for quality and performance projects, including the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) improvement cycle. Before physicians are able to participate in quality improvement efforts in the USA Health System, they must have an understanding of the framework and language of quality improvement. To facilitate this understanding, completion of the first three modules in the IHI's Improvement Capability quality improvement modules are required to participate in USA Health System projects. Instruction in quality improvement is free for all faculty members, residents, and fellows via IHI's Open School.

Online Quality Improvement Education

The IHI's online Open School courses are free for students, medical residents, and university faculty. To gain access to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Open School, .

1. Complete your user profile (accessed via the myIHI tab) by selecting 鈥淪chool 鈥 Medicine鈥 as your organization type and 鈥淭eacher/Professor鈥, 鈥淚ntern or Resident鈥 or 鈥淪tudent鈥 for your primary role. Fellows should select the "Intern or Resident" option.
2. Once you have registered, you can .
3. Complete the three required modules under Improved Capability below, which provide a basic understanding of quality improvement. Faculty should provide their department with a copy of the completion certificates for these three modules:

Improvement Capability

QI 101: Fundamentals of Improvement
QI 102: The Model for Improvement: Your Engine for Change
QI 103: Measuring for Improvement

The courses may be accessed via mobile device with IHI Open School apps once you are registered. Faculty can obtain CME for completed modules.

In addition to the above IHI modules on quality improvement, the online Open School provides many other online modules which cover relevant content. For example, in the IHI Patient Safety series the first lesson in Fundamentals of Patient Safety (PS 101) covers the concept of the "Swiss cheese model of system failure" and lesson 2 in Root Cause and Systems Analysis (PS 104) covers "How a Root Cause Analysis Works". These are important concepts which provide understanding of the tools used in the modern healthcare system. While only the first three quality improvement modules in the Improvement Capability set are required, faculty members, fellows, residents, and staff are expected to have a working knowledge of quality improvement techniques, and additional education may be required to achieve this level of understanding.

Online Quality Improvement Faculty Development

In addition to the education on quality improvement, IHI offers a series of seven online modules that are dedicated to teaching faculty members how to teach residents, students, and fellows as follows:

Graduate Medical Education

GME 1: Why Engage Trainees in Quality and Safety?
GME 2: A Guide to the Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program
GME 3: The Faculty Role: Understanding & Modeling Fundamentals of Quality & Safety
GME 4: The Role of Didactic Learning in Quality Improvement
GME 5: A Roadmap for Facilitating Experiential Learning in Quality Improvement
GME 6: Aligning Graduate Medical Education with Organizational Quality & Safety Goals
GME 7: Faculty Advisor Guide to the IHI Open School Quality Improvement Practicum

Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take.

Course Description: "This course presents the concepts and processes of quality improvement (QI) and the importance of QI in improving patient outcomes. Its aim is to enhance the competence of working healthcare professionals to lead and participate in interprofessional healthcare teams that are focused on quality improvement."

Course Description: "Coaching can inspire and motivate people to learn, change and be effective leaders, among other roles in life. Although most attempts are 鈥渃oaching for compliance鈥 (coaching someone to your wishes or expectations), decades of behavioral and neuroscience research show us that 鈥渃oaching with compassion鈥 (coaching someone to their dreams and desires) is more effective."

Course Description: "Isn鈥檛 it time to end the loss of life from preventable medical errors? Each year 100,000 patients die from preventable errors in the U.S. How can you help to change this intractable problem? Knowledge is power, and this course will provide you with a deep understanding of the problems and the solutions. You can become part of the solution."

The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is devoted to advancing quality online learning by providing professional development, instruction, best practice publications and guidance to educators, online learning professionals and organizations around the world.

Course Description: "The OLC Quality Scorecard is a tool for online administrators to measure the quantifying elements of quality within online education programs in higher education. In this workshop you will get an overview of the OLC Quality Scorecard, explore how the OLC Quality Scorecard can be implemented in your institution and evaluate your institution based on a few chosen quality indicators from the OLC Quality Scorecard. This introductory workshop provides basic information on the OLC Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Programs. This workshop will also highlight the newest version of the scorecard which has 75 indicators organized into 9 categories."

Course Description: "While online faculty value the flexibility of online teaching, the reality of the 24/7 classroom can be daunting in terms of faculty workload and faculty burnout. In this workshop, you will explore research-based strategies to assist faculty in managing their time more effectively and reducing the risk of burnout. You will review practical workload management tips and tools for both new and veteran faculty. Finally, you will develop a workload management plan that will help improve the online faculty experience."

Resources at USA


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbooks:

Applying Quality Management in Healthcare: A Process for Improvement

Diane L Kelly, 2011

In today's era of increased accountability for quality of care, all healthcare managers must be fluent in the concepts and tools of quality management. Applying Quality Management in Healthcare: A Process for Improvement clearly explains the basics of performance excellence and provides a set of tools for managing healthcare quality. Although it covers the fundamentals, it moves beyond old methods and provides an integrated approach to tackling the quality challenges inherent in healthcare. A practical guide, this book is loaded with real-world examples that will help readers quickly master new concepts.


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following textbook chapters:

Clyde W. Yancy, Christopher B. Granger and Graham Nichol
Cardiovascular Therapeutics: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease, Chapter 5, 67-74.

A trusted companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease, Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 4th Edition addresses pharmacological, interventional, and surgical management approaches for each type of cardiovascular disease. This practical and clinically focused cardiology reference offers a balanced, complete approach to all of the usual and unusual areas of cardiovascular disease and specific therapies in one concise volume, equipping you to make the best choices for every patient.


The USA Biomedical Library provides free online access to the following journals:

Peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal for "those practicing, conducting research, and teaching in the field of clinical quality improvement."

(formerly Quality & Safety in Healthcare)

International peer-reviewed journal for "research, opinions, debates and reviews for academics, clinicians and healthcare managers focused on the quality and safety of healthcare and the science of improvement."

International peer-reviewed journal for "research, policy, and implementation related to the quality of healthcare and health outcomes for populations and patients worldwide."

Journal Articles

Designing Education to Improve Care

The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, January 2012

Effectiveness of Teaching Quality Improvement to Clinicians

JAMA, September 5, 2007

Quality Improvement in Medical Education

Medical Education, 2012

Use of the Quality Improvement Knowledge Application (QIKAT) in Pediatric Resident Education

Journal of Graduate Medical Education, June 2014

Online Resources

A resource from the Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for publication and dissemination of peer-reviewed works related to medical education and resources for educational scholarship.

Utilizing a Health System's Resources to Improve Training in Quality Improvement for Its 22 Residency Training Programs

Training residents to improve clinical quality, safety, and efficacy is important both to prepare residents for independent practice and to engage residents in improving care now. However, interviews with leads in each of our institution's 22 residency programs found that the substantial majority of programs did not provide systematic didactic training with project experience.

Training Faculty to do Patient Safety Assessment is Transformative

ACGME鈥檚 competencies, safety theory, and human factors engineering concepts were used to develop a 4-station baseline assessment of patient safety knowledge and skills. An example of learning objectives assessed included: 鈥渁bility to detect design features that make adverse events more likely鈥 and 鈥渁bility to professionally assert the need for help鈥.

MERLOT is a free, open, peer-reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services, contributed and used by an international education community.

The Quality Matters Program (QM) is an international organization representing broad inter-institutional collaboration and a shared understanding of online course quality. QM's quality assurance processes have been developed to improve and certify the design of online and blended courses.

鈻   Scholarship and Research

Predatory Publishers Will Take Your Article鈥nd Your Dollar

With the explosion of open-access publishing sites over the last decade, opportunists have taken advantage of the desire (and sometimes obligation) for publishing, creating a market for 鈥減eer-reviewed鈥 journals which publish articles for a fee. This has been covered in the journals Nature (here and here) and The Chronicle of Higher Education (here) as well as in the New York Times (here). Professor Jeffery Beall began exploring this issue in 2008 and was interviewed by the blog The Scholarly Kitchen (here, 15 min. audio only). Prof. Beall states:

"Predatory open-access publishers are those that unprofessionally exploit the gold open-access model for their own profit. That is to say, they operate as scholarly vanity presses and publish articles in exchange for the author fee. They are characterized by various levels of deception and lack of transparency in their operations. For example, some publishers may misrepresent their location, stating New York instead of Nigeria, or they may claim a stringent peer-review where none really exists."

Buyer Beware

With the impetus to produce scholarly activity, what is an author to do? Ask yourself鈥

  • Does the journal/publisher provide verifiable contact information, including physical address? If they only exist on the Internet, beware!!
  • Is the journal/publisher鈥檚 policy for author fees readily available? Don鈥檛 get sucker punched.
  • Is first contact made via e-mail invitations to submit to journals or to become editorial board members? Are the journal/publisher鈥檚 calls for abstracts or papers distributed through standard means such as announcements through reputable professional societies and meetings?
  • Are the members of the editorial board or past authors reputable in their field? What do they have to say about the journal/publisher? Consider contacting them directly for their opinion.
  • Is the journal/publisher鈥檚 peer-review process is clearly defined and verifiable?
    Do the journal/publisher鈥檚 published article meet standards for scholarly activity?
    Is the journal/publisher a member of an industry association, such as the Directory of Open Access Journals or the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, which attempt to verify their members鈥 reputations? But just because they are listed with such an association does not mean that they adhere to the highest standards. Proceed with caution and consider the above suggestions.
  • What do our librarians know about this journal/publisher? Contact the Biomedical Library!

Faculty Development at USA

Innovation in Learning Center

The Innovation in Learning Center provides professional development workshops for all USA faculty members and promotes coordinated professional development initiatives and integrated instructional technologies for the traditional classroom, blended courses, and fully online learning environments. Workshops can be provided for groups at University Hospital, Children's & Women's Hospital, and the Mitchell Cancer Institute. Contact Joyce Guest to arrange an onsite workshop.

Online Resources