Academic Advising
Psychology (BA) Major Guide
The objective of psychology, as a science, is to understand, explain, and predict the behavior of organisms. The Department of Psychology has developed and organized its course offerings to meet three major goals. Click the heading above to learn more about this exciting profession.
Peer Advising
Peer advising is your FIRST STOP in the Psychology Advising Process. The Peer Advisor will orient you to the Department, its requirements, and help you build your schedule.
Peer advising is conducted by Haley Hearn (B.A.) who is a graduate student in psychology.
Peer advising will take place through Zoom or In-person in UCOM 1106 inside the Psychology Department. All in-person appointments must wear a mask and maintain 3 feet distance with the advisor.
Fall 2024: Hours on Zoom or In Person-Please let Haley know which YOU prefer!
WHEN: See below for options:
Day of Week | Time(s) |
Monday | 1:30 - 4:30 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Virtual Appointments only this day) |
Wednesday | |
Thursday | 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM |
Friday | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM |
** Appointments are available outside the above listed hours by contacting
** Link to schedule an appointment: .
When you select a time slot, please indicate whether you want IN PERSON or ZOOM in the LOCATION field.
Faculty Academic Advisor
Appointments with your academic advisor are made through Navigate South.
- Your advisor is required to have time slots listed in Navigate South.
- Please email or call the Department Chair, Dr. Shelley-Tremblay, if your advisor does not have advising time slots listed in Navigate South. 251-460-6883 or
What is Academic Advising? Click here to learn more!
How do I find my advisor? Click here to learn how!
All psychology majors are assigned to a faculty member who will serve as their academic advisor. Students may request a specific faculty member if they have a preference. To request a specific advisor or to change advisors, students should see the department secretary.
A student should consult with his or her academic advisor in planning courses schedules and making other academic decisions. The academic advisor is the person to whom a student should take any questions concerning degree requirements or other academic policies and procedures. The advisor will make recommendations to students concerning degree requirements and other academic matters, but it is ultimately the student's responsibility to see that all requirements are met. It is recommended that students meet with their academic advisor at least once a year.
Required Courses
Students must complete general education requirements and must also complete requirements for both a major and a minor. The Psychology Department is a part of the College of Arts and Sciences. The student must, therefore, meet general education courses specified by the College of Arts and Sciences. These can be found on the Academic Programs Page of the College of Arts and Sciences website. Course requirements for a psychology major are listed below. Students should discuss the choice of a minor with the academic advisor. Requirements for a minor are specified by the department of the chosen minor. (Degree Requirements Handout)
Requirements for a Psychology Major
A minimum of 36 semester hours in psychology including 30 hours from the undergraduate core and six hours of electives.
Majors in Arts and Sciences may be completed with a minimum of 120 semester hours unless designated otherwise. At least 30 hours of course work, which represents 25% of the required 120 hours, must be at the upper division level in order to fulfill the University’s residency requirement. At least 15 of the 30 upper-division hours must be in the major or concentration area. An overall grade-point-average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for graduation. In addition, a minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in the student’s major or concentration area.
Undergraduate Couse Requirements
Topic Area | Course Number | Required |
CORE | PSY 120 or 121, 220, 310, 320 | All |
Developmental | PSY 350, 456 | Take One |
Social/Personality | PSY 340, 435, 440 | Take Two |
Capstone | PSY 412, 414 | Take One |
Experimental | PSY 317*,416,420*,428,475 | Take Two |
Twelve courses |
*You can take either PSY 420 or PSY 317, but not both
The remaining six hours of electives needed for a major may be taken from any courses not taken previously (excluding PSY 250). Students who are preparing for graduate study are encouraged to take all courses listed in the undergraduate core and any additional courses recommended by their faculty advisor. Student research is encouraged by the faculty and students may obtain course credit for individual student research projects in PSY 494. (Degree Requirements Handout)
Requirements for a Psychology Minor
A minimum of 21 semester hours in Psychology, including PSY 120 or 121, 220 and 15 semester hours of electives (twelve of those must be in courses numbered 300 or above).
Requirements for Honors in Psychology
If you are interested in receiving Honors in Psychology, you may complete a senior honors thesis (PSY 499). You do not need to be a member of the University Honors program to receive honors in psychology. (Click here for guidelines for students working toward Honors in Psychology.)
JagSpot Scholarship
For more information concerning scholarships, please go to .
More Information Çàɬֱ²¥ Academic Advising
More information about academic advising can be found on the College of Arts & Sciences Advising and in the .
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