
Medicine Grand Rounds Videos

Medicine Grand Rounds (MGR) is a weekly topic- and case-based presentation by members of the faculty of the Department of Internal Medicine (and colleagues in the College of Medicine). Topics and cases are selected to provide all members of the healthcare team with up-to-date knowledge about timely issues in internal medicine.


1.   01/18/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Nephrology Division: Update in Apheresis   Medicine: An Overview with Jan Hofmann, MD

2.   01/20/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Nephrology Division: Update in Apheresis Medicine: An Overview with Jan Hofmann, MD

3.   01/27/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: 'When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebra' with Abhijin Das, MD

4.   02/10/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Gastrointestinal Complications of NSAIDs with Mason Adams, MD

5.   03/10/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Neurogastroenterology Insights into Diabetic Gastroparesis and Parkinson's Disease with Amol Sharma, MD, MS, FACG

6.   03/24/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Update on the Diagnosis and Management of Inflammatory Bowel  Disease with Francis Farraye, MD

7.    03/31/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Bronchoscopy Updates with Robert Petrossian, MD

8.    04/07/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Gastrointestinal Complications of Diabetes with M. Caitlin Marshall, MD

9.    04/14/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Culinary Medicine with Wesley McWhorter, MD  

10.  04/21/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Clinical Measurements: Principles, Limitations, and Interpretations with Richard Teplick, MD

11.  05/05/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Evolution of Biologic Therapy in Asthma with Nida Ahmed, MD

12.  05/26/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Updates on Gout Management with Hamdy Ahmed, MD

13.  06/02/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Silicosis and Beyond: Emerging Role of the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Acute and Chronic Inflammatory Pulmonary Disease with Kane Schaphorst, MD

14.  06/04/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Evaluation and Management of Adult Bronchiolitis with Phil Almmalouf, MD

15.  06/16/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Current Health Care Fraud Issues with Paul Baumind, MD

16.  07/21/2022 Medicine Grand Rounds: Update on Hepatorenal Syndrome with Jorge Herrera, MD

17.  09/08/2022 Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2021 Adult Guidelines with Siva Parcha, MD

18.  11/17/2022 Prognostic Importance of Pulmonary Hypertension in Left Heart Disease and Chronic Lung Disease with Karen Fagan, MD

19. 01/05/2023 Checkpoint Inhibitor Pneumonitis Mechanisms of Injury with Karthic Suresh, MD

20. 01/19/2023 Upper GI Bleeds with Anas Khouri, MD

21. 02/02/2023 Nephro Cardiology Recent Updates Part I with Abhijin Das, MD 

22. 02/22/2023 Benign Anorectal Disorders with R. Seth Brown, DO

23. 03/09/2023 E-cigarettes or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI): Particulate Matter and Inhalation Injury with Michelle Cancel, MD

24. 03/16/2023 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation with Tim Anderson, DO



11/18/2021 Medicine Grand Rounds: Pulmonary Renal Syndrome with Sabrina Bessett, MD