
Matthew Stratton

Matthew Stratton

Assistant Professor
Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Sport


  • Ph.D. Exercise Physiology, Texas Tech University (2022)

  • M.S. Applied Exercise and Health Science, Kennesaw State University (2019)

  • B.S. Exercise Science, The University of New Mexico (2017)


Matthew Stratton was born and raised in southern California. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at the University of South Çàɬֱ²¥. He received his PhD in Exercise Physiology from Texas Tech University. Prior to attending Texas Tech University, he received his M.S. with Honors in Applied Exercise and Health Sciences from Kennesaw State University and his B.S. in Exercise Science from the University of New Mexico, graduating Summa Cum Laude and receiving the outstanding exercise science graduate award. His research centers on examining both the applied and molecular responses to various supplementation and nutritional interventions, with a focus on muscular strength, power, and body composition. Matthew has presented on the topics of protein, specialty diets and supplementation at multiple universities, as well as regional and national conferences. In addition, he has authored over 30 peer-reviewed articles and textbook chapters in the fields of nutrition, sports performance, and aging. He is a Certified Exercise Physiologist from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM-EP), a Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN) through the International Society of Sports Nutrition, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Teaching Philosophy

In today’s classroom we are uniquely challenged as instructors in higher education. The demands upon new entrants to the workforce is evolving quickly. Thus, I believe it is my job as a professor to create an atmosphere that fosters learning, along with personal and professional development to prepare students for life beyond my classroom. To achieve such a goal, I seek to challenge students in order to develop their problem-solving strategies and the ability to think critically. I do this in my classroom through the use of interactive lecturing that not only encourages, but almost demands, the student takes an active part in their own learning. I seek to use a variety of active learning techniques that facilitate students’ discussion of the course topics and allow students to begin teaching one another. Additionally, I do not feel it is enough to let students simply memorize the information being taught. Because of this, I strive to move students to the upper levels of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and have them begin applying the information being discussed. I am very upfront with students that I feel if they cannot apply the information then they truly have not learned it yet. 


Research has always played a large role in my growth as a student and an educator. Research sparked my curiosity as a student and drove me to my current career aspirations and as such, I seek to use research to inspire my future students as well. To date, I have had the opportunity to engage in a variety of research. Previously I have published work examining predictors of elite football athletic performance, the effect of aging on skeletal muscle functioning, as well as the impact of non-contact boxing on the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms, and lastly, the effects of various diets, in particular intermittent fasting, on body composition, muscular performance, and blood biomarkers. Currently, my research focuses on the use of specialty diets - primarily intermittent fasting - to improve health parameters, body composition, and exercise performance. Furthermore, I seek to examine how we may manipulate these protocols to increase adherence, but still reap the reported benefits of these diets displayed throughout the literature. A large portion of my research is also focused on the efficacy of emerging dietary supplements and their potential uses to aid in improvements in body composition and muscular performance. 


I am a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Additionally, I serve as a reviewer for a number of academic journals.


  • KIN 474 - Sport and Fitness Conditioning
  • KIN 476 - Exercise Physiology
  • KIN 484 - Applications in Sport Conditioning